"The Collection"

Aired April 20, 2010

Honestly, I wasn't really feeling this episode. The plot about Hitler paintings and a wealthy homeowner being served "forfeiture" papers just didn't interest me. It's kind of similar to several X-Files episodes because Raylan's one-liners are always a highlight, just like Mulder's humor. For example he said this in regards to why someone would want to collect Hitler's paintings, "I don't know. I figure people are entitled to their hobbies, and I'm entitled to think those people are creepy." While the case that Raylan's on this week wasn't as interesting as past episodes, I did like the ending when it was revealed why the paintings were burned. Also, it does show how good of an investigator Raylan is because he knows the suicide is actually a homicide. But after shooting so many people, he should know enough about what happens when they do take a bullet.

Just because Raylan's case of the week wasn't interesting, there were still good moments spread throughout the episode. It was book-ended with my boy Boyd, as he appears in prison and talks to Raylan over a phone. I really like where this is heading, because I want to see Boyd get out of jail and set his clan on the righteous path. Maybe he'll even become a televangelist type. It doesn't seem too far out for this show after having a dentist being inspired by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. I also liked some of the moments between Raylan, Ava, and Winona, with all of this talk of failed marriages. Raylan always keeps this calm and cool demeanor when in conversation with co-workers and felons but he's totally different around Winona; kind of reveals some of his insecurities that lie underneath the ten-gallon hat.

So this episode wasn't a total loss, as the character moments made up for the lack of an interesting plot. But I don't expect every episode to be a home run, especially not this early in the first season of a series. Usually first seasons are always a mixed bag and so far this one has been pretty solid. Good work, Justified.


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