Prometheus (2012)

Directed by Ridley Scott

Credit: 20th Century Fox
Prometheus is an interesting film because not only is it a prequel to a famous series of movies but it is also the starting point for its own series of movies. So while it tries to be a movie that stands alone, it has to honor what has already been established. I think that is also what hindered my enjoyment, since it’s a first chapter, not a self-contained story. Prometheus relies heavily on another film to complete its story.

However its script shouldn’t discourage anyone from watching this movie. Prometheus excels in every other aspect of film-making, from its acting performances to the special effects. I really enjoyed the characters because they are the most interesting crew in the series of Alien movies. Not only are there strong leads, but the secondary characters are equally fleshed out. My favorite of all was the ship’s captain, Janek, portrayed by Idris Elba. He plays it extremely laid back and cool, which isn’t the typical captain, but he also cares for his crew as well. Though the captain was my favorite, I feel Michael Fassbender should definitely receive an acting nomination for his work as an android named David. The opening sequence with David in the ship reminds me so much of Wall-E. Even though he is alone, he spends his time watching classic films and reenacting their moments, as well as learning languages, sports, and even the history of his shipmates. Fassbender’s David may seem to have an evil side to him, though thats because he’s child-like and just doing what he is told to do.

As for the special effects, they are amazingly crafted. The landscapes for the planet’s surface and the creature effects are among the best of its kind. They look so realistic and “gooey”. It made me wonder if crews in these space exploration movies have pilots, scientists, and doctors, where are the space janitors? Surely someone has to clean up after aliens explode over everything.
As much as I enjoyed Prometheus, it still isn’t quite a perfect film. After viewing it twice, it feels so much like the first half of an X-Files two-part story. It raises many interesting questions, while also featuring great moments of suspense and excitement, yet those questions are answered with more questions. We need to see the second half of the story to fully digest everything we’ve seen here.


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