Essential Songs of Enuff Z'Nuff

10. "Top Of The Hill" (Paraphernalia)
I'm a fan of Stone Temple Pilots and this sounds a lot like a pretty good STP song, "Unglued." I'd list this as a good example of how Enuff Z'Nuff can balance pop songs alongside songs that just rock. Sometimes it's just as simple as that.

9. "Superstitious" (Animals With Human Intelligence)
What a blazing opener for this album! While the debut was more of a pop rock record, the follow-up was much darker both musically and lyrically, and I feel like this third album could be described as a mixture of the two.

8. "The Way Home/Coming Home" (Strength)
I like the blending of these two tracks as one; nearly two minutes of vocals over a piano, before the band kicks in. I'm sorry I wrote this band off and mocked their name in the past, looks can be deceiving, and they certainly deserved better.

7. "Right By Your Side" (Animals With Human Intelligence)
The thing that stands out to me the most is the keyboard part, which is heard at the beginning, and then repeated through out. That brief snippet reminds me of The Cure's "If Only Tonight We Could Sleep"- all my mind can think of is some type of Middle Eastern-styled notes. (Maybe I'm on drugs like the band was....)

6. "So Sad To See You" (Seven)
Seven is an album recommended to me by my friend Denny, and I think it's more of a mixed bag than their previous albums. It's more of a "grower", as it wasn't just straight-forward rock or pop. The album contains it's share of ballads, an acoustic song, and then this hard-rocker.

5. "Ain't It Funny" (Paraphernalia)
Twisted lyrics with a pop hook, seems to be their signature.

4. "Invisible" (Paraphernalia)
I absolutely love the Paraphernalia album. On this track, I like the mixture of acoustic with electric guitar. Seems like it blends the best of the Beatles, along with Cheap Trick, and even a KISS-like solo (I'm thinking Revenge era). 

3. "Baby Loves You" (Strength)
Earlier this year I asked Denny about Enuff Z'Nuff and he recommended this album. I didn't think I'd like it, yet Denny knows his stuff, so I picked it up at Shandi's." I popped it in, and my usual listening habit kicked in, which seems to be to zero in on a song and repeat it non-stop. This was the one that hooked me right away. I even sent a message to another friend, asking if he'd heard of Enuff Z'Nuff, and he said Chip sounds like a name of a jobber wrestler; the guy who always takes the fall in those quick matches. So this song, and album, will always be linked to "Chip Z'Nuff, jobber wrestler."

2. "Believe In Love" (Paraphernalia)
This song is so syrupy, and the lyrics are mostly silly rhymes, but damn, I'm hooked on it. I just want my heart to melt away!

1. "For Now" (Enuff Z'Nuff)
MY GOD, why was this not a hit single?! It's got everything a song from that era had- a hook! Lyrics about a guy and a girl being together! 


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